23 Nov

Testosterone is one of the body hormones which is found in the male reproductive system produced in the testicles which is responsible for various male characteristics which starts to occur mainly during adolescence. Some of the characteristics which occur as a result of testosterone production are the production of sperms and their maturity, growth of hair in the private parts and making the voice of men to be rooted. Testosterone is also produced in limited or low amounts in the women bodies where the ovaries produce it. The low amounts of testosterone in women helps them to have a healthy sexual life. Small production of testosterone in the male can affect their reproductive health and life to a great extent. Men with low levels of testosterone have various challenges especially in their sexual life since they have a poor erection during intercourse, low levels of sex drive, some maybe infertile, stressed up and may also be susceptible to various diseases like heart diseases, obesity, and diabetes at some point. It is estimated that low levels of testosterone can affect more than half of the well being of any man. However, with the improvement of health system and facilities, there have been several ways which have been used to treat low levels of testosterone.

The treatment of low levels of testosterone at mantalityhealth.com can be natural or artificial. Some of the artificial treatments that are recommended by many health physicians in boosting the low levels of testosterone include testosterone injection, taking testosterone capsules and also hormone replacement therapy.

Although many health specialists may recommend use of artificial treatment, there are various side effects that come with low testosterone artificial treatment methods and some of the side effects include prostate cancers which mostly result from frequent taking of testosterone injections and hormone transplant, low sperm count and increased red blood cells which may lead to infertility,  heart attacks, and some liver related diseases. Natural methods of boosting testosterone levels are recommended since they are much affordable and have few or no side effects.  Check this company!

The following are some of the various ways and practices that you can use to naturally treat low levels of testosterone. One method of boosting low levels of testosterone is through taking the right exercises like press ups or pull ups, squats, and deadlifts as they help they pituitary glands to produce more testosterone. The other natural treatment of low levels of testosterone is by taking a healthy diet which can help boost the testosterone production in the pituitary glands. The recommended diet mainly includes protein, vegetables, and fruits. People with low testosterone are also advised to have enough rest and sleep to help increase the levels of testosterone production. The final natural treatment of low levels of testosterone levels is by taking herbal or natural supplements which help in boosting testosterone production. To read more about the benefits of low testosterone treatments, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-protein_diet.

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